Fried Rice


Growing up, fried rice was always a treat to have. This is definitely a recipe you can make your own. You can add any of your favorite ingredients and totally make it fun! I used some of my ingredients I already had in the fridge to make this dish.



- 1 red onion diced

- 1 small clove garlic minced

- 1 pack of Chinese sausage diced (use 2-3 less unless you want to just use the whole packet) 

- 4 eggs scrambled 

- 1 pound thawed out uncooked shrimp chopped into pieces to size of your liking 

- 1 packet of frozen corn 

- 1 packet of frozen peas

- 3 cups of day old Jasmine rice (cook day before or you can cook day off, let it cool down and leave in the fridge for a little that way it doesn’t get a mushy)

- Salt and pepper for taste 

- 6 tablespoons soy sauce (I use braggs aminos)

- 1 tablespoon cooking oil 

- 1 bunch onion minced 

- 1 bunch cilantro minced (if desire)



1. In a large pan heat up olive oil. Add onions and garlic. Cook for 30 seconds till gold.

2. Add shrimp, salt and pepper. Cook until shrimp is fully cooked and pour into a bowl. 

3. With the same pan add Chinese sausage and cook until a little crispy.

4. Add corn and peas and cook until no longer frozen.

5. Push sausage, corn and peas aside in the pan and pour in scrambled eggs. Stir the egg around by itself until cooked.

6. Pour cooked shrimp back into the same pan and add rice. 

7. Add soy sauce, salt and pepper to your liking and stir all ingredients together until it is all evenly distributed. 

8. Serve in a bowl. Top with green onion and cilantro as desired. 

*For my picture I went a little extra and added the ingredients as seen on top, but underneath all that is the fried rice :)


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